Main Navigation

Accessibility Statement

Our website was made in 2024 with the aim for the site to meet WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) v2.2 Level AA.
The site has been tested in older browsers, and without JavaScript, so that most (non-interactive) content or alternative content is viewable and usable.
A basic assessment was carried out on 29th April 2024, including automated and some manual testing in Chrome v123 on Windows, Safari 17 on macOS, and VoiceOver with Safari 17 on iOS.


Known issues

  • The homepage video in the header is always muted and has a button to control playback, although alt text is provided there is no audio track or captions.
  • The consistency of heading levels of some pages may vary depending on content.
  • Some images across the site may lack alt-text or context.
  • Some button labels in the main content may be too generic and repeated.
  • Services pages have a secondary navigation for multi-level sub-pages which is labelled as a navigational element but may not be optimally placed in the page structure.


Third party content

  • Some videos are hosted via YouTube, these have auto-generated captions and may not accurately reflect the audio or text shown on screen.
  • Independent customer reviews are provided by VetHelpDirect and are added into the content of our site pages via a script, the structure and labelling inside these areas may be difficult to navigate and understand.
  • Factsheets, Poisons Guide, Symptom Checker are also provided by VetHelpDirect and its content is added to our pages in a frame (which are labelled) but the generated content may be difficult to navigate and understand.


Contact us

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our site, so if you find anything on the site difficult to use please let us know by emailing or view details on our contact page.
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