Cat Vaccinations
Vaccinating your cat helps safeguard them from specific contagious diseases such as feline leukaemia and cat flu. Additionally, it helps establish a barrier against disease transmission to other felines, promoting a healthier feline population overall.
Kittens get some protection from infectious diseases, which is passed on by their mother. This begins to fade from 9 weeks of age, so it is advisable to vaccinate at this point.
A kitten vaccine course typically requires TWO doses given at around 8 and 12 weeks of age. A booster is normally given 12 months later (sometimes earlier), combined with the initial vaccine course, this provided good initial protection for your cat. This initial booster is important to avoid a gap in protection.
Vaccination targets protection against two common causes of cat flu (a herpesvirus and a calicivirus) as well as a very contagious intestinal virus (panleukopenia virus). This is considered the core or minimum vaccination. Additional protection is normally recommended against Feline Leukaemia Virus. Protection against all these viruses is included in the kitten vaccine schedule.
Annual booster vaccinations are normally recommended, although these will depend on the lifestyle of the cat and are discussed on an individual basis at your cat's annual health check with the vet.
NB: Genuine registered Pedigree cats should be vaccinated before they are allowed to be taken to a new home.
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