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Faecal Bacteriology

Faecal Bacteriology

Faecal Bacteriology

Sample Type


Turnaround Time

Faecal Culture

Faeces 3g

Selective culture screen for Salmonella and Campylobacter.

3-5 working days

Faecal Screen 1

Faeces 6g

Selective culture for Salmonella and Campylobacter + Faecal Parasitology

3-5 working days

Faecal Screen 2

Faeces 10g

Faecal Screen 1 + Tritrichomonas foetus PCR (feline)

3-5 working days

Campylobacter Screen (Culture)

Faeces 1g

Selective culture for Campylobacter species. Maldi ID where possible - speciation by qPCR is available at an additional cost.

3-5 working days

Salmonella Screen (Culture)

Faeces 1g

Selective and enrichment culture for Salmonella spp.

3-5 working days

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