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Guidance for Submitting Samples

Guidance for Submitting Samples

Sample Type



Label clearly with the patients name, site and sample type. State on the submission form any relevant antimicrobial treatment, clinical details or travel history, including zoonotic risk.


Submit in a leak proof screw top pot. Ensure you send sufficient sample for the test you are requesting.


Use a sterile leak proof container. To help recovery of anaerobic bacteria fill the container as much as possible.

Skin scrape/Hair

If submitting a scalpel blade for skin parasites, ensure it is sent in a sealed plastic container, such as a sterile universal pot. Samples free of paraffin oil are preferred


Submit Amies gel or Charcoal swabs. Ensure all swabs are individually labelled.


Wrap small samples in a sterile damp gauze to prevent drying out or send in sterile saline.


Submit in a sterile screw top pot.
If sending a free catch - boric acid containers are preferable.
Refrigerate samples prior to submission if transport delays are predicted.

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