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Light brown alpaca with a neck bandage on attached to a drip in the Langford Vets hospitalisation unit

Fee Estimates for Procedures

Due to the large variation in size and species of animal that we work with fixed fees for full procedures are not feasible, however below is a list of fees in relation to our referral services and a list of estimated prices for procedures as a guideline for referring vets and owners to refer to in the early stages of considering referral of a case.
If you are interested in referring a case please fill out the online referral form and we will be in contact to give you a more accurate estimate that is tailored to your case and animal. 



Radiology: Setup and Initial View


X Ray Additional Views


CT scan (one region)


Endoscopy (nasal / oral) – full workup


GA, CT head, endoscopy, biopsies / laboratory diagnostics, 2 days hospitalisation

Surgical procedures


What’s included

Soft Tissue Surgery: Standard (eg: lumpectomy)

£1500 - £2000

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Abdominal Surgery-Ovariohysterectomy Pig


Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment ,GA, surgery, day case care

Soft Tissue Surgery: Advanced/ specialist

£5000 - 7000

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Abdominal Surgery: Specialist eg: Laparotomy +/- gut resection

£6000 - £7000

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Leg Amputation-Small Ruminant up to 80kgs

£1500 - £2000

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Orthopaedic Surgery Fracture Repair with pins or plates -Cria/lamb/Neonate

£5000 – £7000

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Orthopaedic Surgery Fracture Repair with pins or plates Adult Sheep/Alpaca up to 120kgs

£6500 - £8500

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 3 days

Orthopaedic Surgery Total Hip Replacement-Sheep up to 80kgs

£8500 - £9500

Pre-surgical consultation and anaesthetist assessment, GA, surgery, Hospitalisation for 5 days

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