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Langford Vet Practice Home Visits


Home Visits

We are happy to discuss the option of a house visit for your veterinary needs. You may want to consider a house visit if your pet is particularly sensitive to travelling or visiting the vet, alternatively some owners would like to have end of life appointments in the pet’s home. We are most likely to be able to provide a house visit if we have several days notice so we can plan sufficient time to provide the service you expect. 

For small animals, the best place for this care to be delivered is within the practice and hospital where we have the expertise and facilities to deal with any situation that may arise. Other than for prearranged visits we are unable to carry out home visits, as these impact on our ability to care for those animals already in our care. 

In order to plan for emergencies we recommend that you consider how you might be able to transport your pet to the clinic if for example your dog cannot walk; do you have friends or neighbours who could help lift your pet into a vehicle or provide transport? Pet ambulances can be helpful for owners without suitable transport, we can provide contact details of local services if you would like to get in touch with our reception team. 

Please call us to discuss your requirements. 

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Compassionate Pet Euthanasia at Home

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