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19 February 2025
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Case Study

Brett - Femoral Head and Neck Excision

Brett, a Black nose valais breeding ram, was referred to Langford Farm Animal Practice following sudden onset non-weightbearing lameness on his left hind leg. Crepitus was found in the left hip suggesting a severe orthopaedic injury and further investigation was needed.

Brett had a CT scan that showed a fracture of the femoral head, and the decision was made for him to undergo femoral head and neck excision in order to save the leg and hence his breeding potential. With the help of the Orthopaedic and Anaesthesia teams at the Langford Small Animal Referral Hospital, the surgery went well – with Brett receiving general anaesthesia and an epidural for pain management.

Following surgery, Brett recovered quickly and was back up walking and eating his favourite food! He received some physiotherapy and was weightbearing on all 4 limbs again by the end of his stay with us.

Brett was sent home with some ongoing pain relief and instructions for physiotherapy to help him get back to his normal activities!



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