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19 August 2024
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Mid Somerset Show 2024

We had a great time at Mid Somerset Show on Sunday 18th August. Diane and Andrea attended from the Farm Animal Practice alongside Steve from Stables Equine Practice who was acting as duty vet for horses in attendance.

We had a great time chatting to people about all of our services, walking the livestock lines, making hundreds of badges with favourite animals and taking pictures with our show neighbours.

Many people came to say hello because they have been treated by Langford Vets over the years. Including West Highland Terrier Lexi who presented to our Small Animal Referral Hospital 12 years ago when she was choking on a treat. It was lovely to see her doing so well.

Congratulations to our competition winners who correctly guessed the number of sweets in the jar and followed us on Instagram for a chance to win a free Farm Animal Practice training session.

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