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26 July 2024
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Langford Vets Celebrate with 5 New RCVS Fellows Small Animal Referral Hospital

We are delighted to announce that five of our outstanding clinicians have recently been made Fellows of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

A huge congratulations to Lee Meakin (Small Animal Surgery), Alison Major (Diagnostic Imaging), Emi Barker (Small Animal Medicine), Natalie Finch (Feline Medicine), and Melanie Hezzell (Cardiology) who were awarded the Fellowship status for Meritorious Contribution to Clinical Practice through clinical and educational scholarship and leadership. Well done to them all!
Well done Lee, Alison, Emi, Nat and Mel. We are incredibly proud of our successful colleagues, this is a great example of our team continuously excelling in their commitment to career long learning and striving for outstanding care for our pets and clients.
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