Rodney presented as a growing lamb suffering with chronic joint ill. Joint ill is a common problem in young animals, presenting with lameness due to swollen joints that are hot and painful. Rodney received a series of antibiotic courses, flushing of the joint and swabs for culture and sensitivity to make sure suitable antibiotics were being used – but he was left with a recurrent draining tract.
When Rodney came to us, he had X-Rays taken, that showed chronic change to the joint that was not treatable. Due to the lack of usage anyway in his leg, it was decided to try a hind limb amputation as a last attempt.
Rodney recovered well from the anaesthesia and spent the evening in our care, before going home on pain relief with instructions to keep him at a suitable weight to help ease the additional pressure on his back leg.

The joint before surgery.

Rodney recovered quickly from his surgery

Rodney is transported back to our Farm Animal Holding Facility

A quick vet check and Rodney is reunited with his companion