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Small Animal Referral Hospital Internal Medicine Fixed Prices


Fixed Price Procedures

Immune Mediated


What's included

Immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) diagnosis visit


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics (blood, urine), diagnostic imaging and joint taps to explore a diagnosis of IMPA , up to 5 days hospitalisation, 2 weeks medication.

IMPA revisit - 1st


Revisit assessment for IMPA to include monitoring blood tests and joint taps under sedation

IMPA revisit - 2nd and subsequent


Revisit assessment for IMPA to include monitoring blood tests and joint taps under sedation

Steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis (SRMA) investigation


Consultation, blood tests, general anaesthetic for CT scan of the neck and CSF sampling and analysis to explore a diagnosis of SRMA, up to 2 days hospitalisation, 5 days of paracet and 1 month pred

SRMA repeat (intended when diagnosis not made on visit 1)


Revisit for repeat CSF sampling for a diagnosis of SRMA, up to 2 days hospitalisation, 5 days of paracet and 1 month pred



What's included

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) investigation


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics relevant to a diagnosis of GERD and video swallow fluoroscopy study and 2 weeks of medication

Vomiting investigation (single visit)


Consultation, laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging relevant to investigation of vomiting, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, up to 3 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Vomiting and diarrhoea investigation (single visit)


Consultation, laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging relevant to investigation of vomiting and diarrhoea, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, up to 3 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Vomiting and diarrhoea investigation (first visit - without endoscopy)


Consultation, laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging relevant to investigation of vomiting and diarrhoea, up to 2 days of hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy with biopsies (second visit)


Hospital admission for anaesthetic for upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy and up to 2 days hospitalisation

Upper & lower GI endoscopy (second visit)


Hospital admission for anaesthetic for upper and lower gastro-intestinal endoscopy and up to 2 days hospitalisation



What's included

Lower urinary investigation (basic)


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics, focused imaging and catheter or needle sampling relevant to a diagnosis of lower urinary tract disease

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) investigation and medical management


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics and urinary tract imaging relevant to feline lower urinary tract disease; hospitalisation including urinary catheterisation and care as needed; behavioural consultation and advice, up to 5 days hospitalisation and 1 week of medication

Subcutaneous ureteric bypass (SUB) device - unilateral


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics and urinary tract imaging to explore a diagnosis of ureteral obstruction; surgery for unilateral SUB placement and routine post-operative care and management, up to 10 days of hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

SUB - bilateral


As above but for bilateral SUB, up to 10 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

SUB flush revisit


Revisit appointment for routine monitoring of the SUB device and associated kidney disease to include laboratory diagnostics (blood, urine), urinary tract ultrasound and SUB flush



What's included

Respiratory investigation - one region


Consultation, blood tests, advanced imaging and rhinoscopy or bronchoscopy, relevant to a diagnosis of either nasal or lung disease, up to 2 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Respiratory investigation - two regions


As above, but for investigation of concurrent nasal and lung disease, up to 3 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Aspergillus treatment


Admission for anaesthesia and treatment (either via sinus trephination or rhinoscopic approach) of sino-nasal aspergillus, up to 3 days hospitalisation and 5 days of medication



What's included

Portosystemic shunt (PSS) - initial work up (routine/stable)


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics (blood, urine) and advanced imaging to explore a diagnosis of a portovascular anomaly, up to 2 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Liver work-up with percutaneous sampling (dog)


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging and hepatobiliary sampling relevant to a diagnosis of canine liver disease, up to 2 days hospitalisation and 1 week of medication

Liver work-up with percutaneous sampling (cat)


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging and hepatobiliary sampling relevant to a diagnosis of feline liver disease, up to 2 days hospitalisation and 1 week of hospitalisation

Liver work-up with laparoscopic liver biopsies


Consultation, laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging and laparoscopic sampling relevant to a diagnosis of liver disease, up to 3 days hospitalisation and 1 week of medication



What's included

Endoscopic foreign body (FB) removal (nasal, bronchial, oesophageal, gastric)


Consultation, diagnostic imaging and endoscopy to evaluate for, and where possible retrieve, foreign bodies, up to 2 days hospitalisation and 2 weeks of medication

Oesophageal / nasopharyngeal stricture dilation


Admission for anaesthesia and balloon dilation of an oesophageal or nasopharyngeal stricture; includes up to 3 dilations, up to 2 days hospitalisation per dilation and 2 weeks of medication

Emergency Fees


For endoscopies performed during weekends

Remote Care


What's included

Chronic case follow up


Included in fixed price packages. An add on for non-fixed price packages, for patients requiring remote (6 months phone, email) follow up


Length of hospitalisation will be based on the individual patient’s clinical need and after discussion with the owner. Days stated here are the maximum number included within the fixed price. All prices include VAT and correct as at 01/04/25, these are indicative and subject to change

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