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Small Animal Referral Hospital Bladder Expression


A dog may lose their bladder control temporarily or permanently due to injury or illness, meaning additional intervention is required. You can, however, learn to express your pet’s bladder at home.

Locating the bladder:

To express the bladder:

Place the flat parts of your fingers on either side of the abdomen in order to locate the bladder. Slowly apply pressure until you get a stream of urine. Use a steady even pressure.

Keep applying pressure until the urine slows to a dribble or stops. Wait up to thirty seconds to let the bladder reform and reshape, and then try again to express again to get the remaining urine out. Getting the last of the urine out will help reduce the chance of your dog developing a urinary tract infection.

Urinary Tract Infections

Monitor urine for a change in colour (dark/cloudy), presence of blood, or a strong odour. If you notice any of these things please get in touch with your vet who may require a sample.

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