Refer a Case
If this is an emergency referral, please do not complete this form, but call us directly. We accept emergency referrals 24-7 via vet practice referral only, owners should contact their own first opinion practice in the first instance.
Once we receive your client's details, our reception team will contact them to arrange a convenient appointment time. We will then contact you to notify you of the date and time.
If you have any issues submitting the website form below you can download, complete the form and email it to us.
Your data
We collect and process data in order to function effectively as an organisation. Personal data is processed for a variety of reasons and all such data will be collected and processed in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. Clinical data may be used for research purposes however personal data will not be shared. Read our Privacy Policy which explains how we collect, use and share personal data. By submitting this form you are indicating agreement to the privacy policy.