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Small Animal Referral Hospital Telemedicine

Teleconsults provide a great opportunity for contextualised care and an in-depth discussion with one of our clinicians, ahead of attending an appointment at the hospital.



Our medicine team offer owner teleconsults – these provide a great opportunity for contextualised care and an in-depth discussion with one of our clinicians, ahead of attending an appointment at the hospital. All of our chronic (non-urgent) medical cases are initially assessed via a telemedicine consultation. 

What are the benefits of the telemedicine service?

  • Discuss anticipated procedures ahead of time, so that you can understand these and make fully informed decisions about your pet’s care
  • Discuss options for the diagnostic approach, so that this can be individualised based upon your wishes, to provide truly contextualised care
  • We can pre-plan procedures for your patient’s hospital visit, improving efficiency and reducing the length of hospital stays
  • We can give an indication of likely length of hospital stay – this varies from day cases, through to patients needing overnight stays – to enable you to plan your visit
  • Enables you to ask any questions you have, ahead of your appointment
  • We are able to identify any patients with a history of anxiety or fearfulness in the clinic environment and provide recommendations to improve their experience associated with travel and arrival at the clinic

Frequently Asked Questions - Telemedicine

Will I pay more, because I am having a telemedicine consultation, ahead of my pet’s hospital appointment? 
All of my pet’s clinical history is on my vet’s records – do I still need a referral consultation, before investigations?
How do I arrange a telemedicine consultation for my pet?
What should I expect, after my vet has referred my pet for a telemedicine consultation?
Who is in the zoom call?
Does my pet need to be present for the zoom call?
I don’t want a zoom call, can I have a phone call instead?
My pet has seen you before, can I have another teleconsult? 
What happens if I choose not to follow through with an in-person appointment? 
What is the process for referral? 

Pet owners need to be referred by their primary care vet

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