Referrals can only be arranged through your veterinary surgeon as we are unable to accept a referral directly from members of the public or to give advice to pet owners on cases that have not been referred.
Once your vet has assessed your pet they will contact us on your behalf, by telephoning us or completing the relevant form on our website. For urgent appointments your vet will need to telephone us to arrange an appointment for you.
We are happy to discuss your pet's case with your vet before making a decision regarding referral, they are able to email us history and results if required.
Once we have received your pet's details we will contact you to arrange an appointment. Our friendly reception team will email you a welcome pack. But you may wish to download a pack in an emergency.

Referrals can only be arranged through your veterinary surgeon as we are unable to accept a referral directly from members of the public or to give advice to pet owners on cases that have not been referred.
Once your vet has assessed your pet they will contact us on your behalf, by telephoning us or completing the relevant form on our website. For urgent appointments your vet will need to telephone us to arrange an appointment for you.
We are happy to discuss your pet's case with your vet before making a decision regarding referral, they are able to email us history and results if required.
Once we have received your pet's details we will contact you to arrange an appointment. Our friendly reception team will email you a welcome pack. But you may wish to download a pack in an emergency.

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