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Our teams

  • Paul Macfarlane

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    Paul Macfarlane

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia


    Clinical Area Lead for Ancillary Services, Senior Clinician in Anaesthesia

    European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    After qualifying from Bristol in 2000 Paul worked in mixed, large and small animal practice until 2007 when he started a residency in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Critical Care at the University of Liverpool.

    He gained the RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Anaesthesia in 2007 and the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia in 2010. He enjoys all aspects of Veterinary Anaesthesia, even those that happen very early in the morning.
    His current research interests include the impact of CPAP on horses respiratory and cardiovascular systems, minimizing heat loss in small animal surgery and Clinical Audit in Veterinary Anaesthesia.
    Away from work he enjoys reading, getting lost in peat bogs, and, the occasional game with the Clifton Chess Club. He has a very small cat of indeterminate age.

    In 2020 Paul was awarded a fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contributions to clinical practice.

  • Gwen Covey-Crump

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    Gwen Covey-Crump

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    BVetMed CertVA Dipl. ECVAA MRCVS CertVetAc(IVAS)

    Senior Clinician in Anaesthesia and Analgesia

    Clinical Lead Rehabilitation and Pain Management Service

    RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia
    EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

    After graduating in 2001 Gwen spent three years in small animal practice before commencing a residency in Veterinary Anaesthesia at the University of Bristol in 2004.

    After completion she spent a year in clinical anaesthesia practice at the Queen's Veterinary Hospital, University of Cambridge, returning to Bristol as the team lead Clinical Anaesthetist for the newly formed Langford Veterinary Services (University of Bristol School of Veterinary Sciences teaching hospital) in 2009. She obtained the European Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia in 2012.
    As the lead clinical Specialist of the Small Animal Rehabilitation and Pain Management Service at Langford Vets, Gwen now focuses her energies working alongside physiotherapists and collaborating with specialist colleagues in surgery, neurology and medicine. She has a particular interest in established and emerging non-pharmacological therapies for pain.

    Other interests include comparative medicine, patient safety and clinical effectiveness. Gwen sits on council for the Comparative Medicine Network of the Royal Society of Medicine.


  • Latifa Khenissi

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    Latifa Khenissi

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia


    Senior Veterinary Anaesthetist

    Latifa graduated from ENVA (Nationals Vet School of Alfort, in France near Paris) in 2012, with a specialisation in equine . She then completed a rotating internship and a clinical master in Clinique of Equide at the University of Liege. She then finished her postgraduate study with a European Residency in Anaesthesia and Analgesia at the University of Bristol, passing the European board in 2018. Prior to her vet school study, she completed a Diploma in Animal Production specialising in Equidae production.

    She enjoys all aspects of anaesthesia and analgesia especially ICU cases and is quite comfortable with large animal and equine anaesthesia. She recently develop a special interest for analgesia and pain management in those species.

  • Julia Deutsch

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    Julia Deutsch

    Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

    Senior Clinician in Anaesthesia

    Julia graduated from the Veterinary University of Vienna, Austria and after a brief encounter with ophthalmology, she moved to the UK where she performed a Small Animal general internship at the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket. After a few months in general practice, she began specialising in anaesthesia. She undertook an ECVAA residency at the Animal Health Trust and worked there for over six years before moving to Langford Vets in 2017. She holds the European Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia.

    Julia is interested in all aspects of veterinary anaesthesia but in particular she enjoys anaesthesia of patients with more complex disease processes.

  • Bruna Santangelo

    Senior Veterinary Anaesthetist

    Bruna Santangelo

    Senior Veterinary Anaesthetist

    Bruna graduated from the Veterinary University of Naples, Italy, in 2005 and spent the following years working as a Clinical Anaesthetist in the Small Animals' Hospital. She obtained a PhD in Small Animal Anaesthesia in 2009, and then a three year scholarship in Veterinary Anaesthesia at the University of Naples, cooperating in the training of ungraduated and graduated students. In 2015 she moved to Vetagro-Sup, University of Lyon, France, to attend an ECVAA residency program. She joined Langford Vets as a Staff Clinician in Veterinary Anaesthesia at the end of the 2018.

    Bruna is interested in many aspects of veterinary anaesthesia, especially loco regional anaesthetic techniques and equine anaesthesia.

  • Nikki Grint

    Specialist in Anaesthesia

    Nikki Grint

    Specialist in Anaesthesia


  • Anna Briggs

    Resident in Anaesthesia

    Anna Briggs

    Resident in Anaesthesia

  • Hannah Fisher

    Resident in Anaesthesia

    Hannah Fisher

    Resident in Anaesthesia

  • Caroline Kyle

    Resident in Anaesthesia

    Caroline Kyle

    Resident in Anaesthesia

  • Robin Stallard

    Resident in Anaesthesia

    Robin Stallard

    Resident in Anaesthesia

  • Chloe Pilgrim

    Anaesthesia Nurse

    Chloe Pilgrim

    Anaesthesia Nurse

    RVN BSc(hons) CertVNECC

  • Natasha Goodchild

    Anaesthesia Nurse

    Natasha Goodchild

    Anaesthesia Nurse

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