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Our teams

  • Dr Rosie Payne

    Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

    Dr Rosie Payne

    Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

    BVetMed MVetMed PhD MRCVS DipACVIM (Cardiology)

    Lead Cardiologist

    American Diplomate and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology.

    After working in first opinion practice, Rosie undertook a PhD in feline cardiomyopathy and then completed residency training and a Masters degree at the Royal Veterinary College, London. She has published a large number of scientific papers which have influenced how cardiologists all over the world assess cats with heart disease. She has spoken at national and international cardiology conferences, as well as giving CPD to vets in the UK.

  • Prof. Melanie Hezzell

    Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

    Prof. Melanie Hezzell

    Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

    MA, VetMB, PhD, FHEA, CertVDI, CertVC, MRCVS, DipACVIM (Cardiology)

    Professor in Veterinary Cardiology

    Following graduation from the University of Cambridge in 1997, Melanie worked in mixed and small animal general practice in the UK, Australia and New Zealand for ten years. During this time, she undertook the RCVS Certificates in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and Veterinary Cardiology.

    Melanie then completed a small animal rotating internship at the Royal Veterinary College and was awarded a PhD by the same institution in 2012 for her research into mitral valve disease in dogs.

    Melanie became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology) in 2016, following a four year Residency in Veterinary Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests centre on the use of biomarkers in clinical practice and the investigation of cardiac remodelling in response to heart disease. Melanie joined Langford Vets in September 2016 and became Professor in Veterinary Cardiology in August 2024.

    Clinical Research
  • Tom Hernon

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)

    Tom Hernon

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)


    Senior Clinician in Small Animal Surgery

    ECVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

    Tom graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2014. He worked for the PDSA for two years and completed rotating internships at Northwest Veterinary Specialists in Cheshire and the Queen’s Veterinary School Hospital in Cambridge. Tom joined the surgery team at Langford Vets in 2018 as a surgical assistant and went on to complete an ECVS residency in Small Animal Surgery. He was awarded a European Diploma in Small Animal Surgery in 2023. He is now one of the senior surgeons in small animal soft tissue surgery. His particular interests are minimally invasive surgery, urogenital surgery and wound management and reconstruction.

  • Ed Friend

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)

    Ed Friend

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)

    BVet Med Cert SAS DipECVS FRCVS

    Senior Clinician in Soft Tissue Surgery

    RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery

    Ed graduated in 1996 from the RVC and after a year in practice, undertook an internship at the RVC followed by a surgery residency at the University of Liverpool (one year) and University of Cambridge (three years). He remained at Cambridge initially after his residency and became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2003. He has worked in university and private referral practice ever since, taking referrals in soft tissue surgery.

    In 2020 Ed was awarded a fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contributions to clinical practice.

  • Dr Lee Meakin

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)

    Dr Lee Meakin

    Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Soft Tissue)


    Senior Clinician in Small Animal Surgery

    European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

    Langford Academy Lead

    Lee qualified from the University of Cambridge in 2007 and, after working in a charity hospital, he completed internships at Northwest Surgeons in Cheshire and the Royal Veterinary College, London. He was awarded a masters by research degree, followed by a PhD from Bristol University investigating the effect of ageing on bone mechanobiology, funded by the Wellcome Trust. Lee completed specialist training at Bristol University and was awarded a European Diploma in Small Animal Surgery in 2017.

    Lee is Clinical Lead in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery at Langford Vets and is interested in all aspects of soft tissue surgery.

    Clinical Research
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