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Our Team Langford Vets encourages a community spirit and excellent learning opportunities.


Our teams

  • Callum English

    Canine Medicine Animal Care Assistant

    Callum English

    Canine Medicine Animal Care Assistant

  • Abigail Fisher

    Surgery Ward Animal Care Assistant

    Abigail Fisher

    Surgery Ward Animal Care Assistant

  • Rebecca Giles

    Senior Stock Control Assistant

    Rebecca Giles

    Senior Stock Control Assistant

  • Molly Florey

    Feline Animal Care Assistant

    Molly Florey

    Feline Animal Care Assistant

  • Juliet Fowles

    Medicine Animal Care Assistant

    Juliet Fowles

    Medicine Animal Care Assistant

  • Megan Gregory

    Night Animal Care Assistant

    Megan Gregory

    Night Animal Care Assistant

  • Alice Hale

    Theatre Assistant

    Alice Hale

    Theatre Assistant

  • Donna Harris

    Twilight Theatre Auxillary

    Donna Harris

    Twilight Theatre Auxillary

  • Kylie Hawkins

    Night Animal Care Assistant

    Kylie Hawkins

    Night Animal Care Assistant

  • Jennifer Heady

    Sterilising Technician

    Jennifer Heady

    Sterilising Technician

  • Lily Ingle

    Surgery Rotational Animal Care Assistant

    Lily Ingle

    Surgery Rotational Animal Care Assistant

  • Helen Jones

    Hydrotherapist and Rehab Assistant

    Helen Jones

    Hydrotherapist and Rehab Assistant

    Helen previously worked in the NHS as a physiotherapy technician before joining Langford Vets in 2018. She had always had a passion to work with animals and took on a role of the Animal Care Assistant working within the neurological, surgery and the intensive care unit settings. Her previous experience and ongoing love for rehabilitation enable her to bring both sets of her transferable skills to gain a position within the Rehab and Pain clinic in January 2023. Helen is currently a student hydrotherapist and is actively working on completing her level 3 hydrotherapy qualification.

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